
时间:2017-01-25 评语寄语 我要投稿
你胆子大了,说话的声音也响亮了;每天来园总能主动的和老师、小朋友打招呼;能与小朋友说说话、开开玩笑了。看到你的转变,老师真高兴。你在幼儿园很懂事,能和小朋友们友好相处,也开始学着自己的事情自己做,你会自己吃饭、自己穿衣裤、自己入厕。你喜欢参加各种活动,画画时的你认真又耐心,作品还真漂亮呢!体育活动中,走高跷、跳圈、爬垫子,你也样样不示弱。你更喜欢音乐活动,总能看见你翩翩起舞的身影。但你胆子太小,在老师、小朋友面前很少表达自己的想法;有时你会脱离集体,如收玩具的时候,我们都在座位上静息了了,你还在区角里忙着什么,在新的学期老师希望你有更大的进步!老师告诉你,你很可爱,大家都很喜欢你,以后能多和老师、小朋友们说说话,让老师更多的看到你举起的小手,好吗?Yoyo-- Yoyo is a wonderful girl. She is a warm, well-behaved, and a hard-worker. She seems to really enjoy studying English, and she always practices new language with enthusiasm. She has made a lot of progress learning English this term-- she knows most of the vocabulary taught this term. And socially, she seems to enjoy class once she settles in in the morning. I hope next term we can continue to make progress with her shy nature and encourage her to enjoy coming to school and getting excited about starting things. She always enjoys school and activities once they begin,. I am pleased with the progress she has made thus far. Good work, Yoyo!
爱你的老师们:Caddie Anson Nicole Rebecca


你是个聪明、懂事、细心、爱学习的小姑娘,喜欢画画、写字。这学期你比以前活跃多了,上课时老师经常能看到你举起小手,遇事也能主动和老师交流。平日里你喜欢帮老师、同伴做事,争做小组长,课间能友好地与小朋友一起玩耍。只是午睡时不容易入睡,这会影响你下午的学习活动。希望你在新的一年里有更大的进步,老师祝你开心每一天,进步每一天!相信自己是最棒的!Wendy is an excellent student. She works hard and has been learning English very well. She sets a good example for the other students, and puts a lot of effort into practicing the new things she learns. She always sets herself to tasks diligently. She one of the best at learning new grammar and practicing it in her free time. I appreciate her enthusiasm. Also, she is a good teacher and always helps other students learn the new material as well. I hope next term she continues to improve at the same pace. Good work, Wendy!


你是一个活泼、可爱的小宝贝,每天能自己高高兴兴地坐校车来幼儿园,对老师有礼貌。你知道吗?老师很喜欢你那甜甜的声音、灿烂的笑容,最近你越来越活泼了,你比以前更大胆、更自信了,也不会动不动就哭鼻子了,真让老师高兴,看!你的小手又高高地举起来了,仿佛对老师说:“我知道,让我来!”听到你响亮的回答声,看到你一脸的喜悦,老师也分享着你的快乐。你喜欢游戏、喜欢和几个小朋友一起戴着头饰表演,喜欢在手工区里穿珠子、做手饰……你对小朋友很友好,所以你有很多的朋友,他们都很喜欢和你一起游戏。就是有时候被老师批评了会有一些小脾气。要是你能将自己的这些小小的毛病改掉,那么你将会是最棒的宝宝。Tina is a fabulous girl. She is bright, warm, creative, and energetic. She is one of our most social children, often making making friends with other students and playing with everyone in the class. She has made many good strides in English this year, learning many words and phrases with ease. Next term, I hope we she will be a little more focused on English and continue to enjoy class!
你聪明、能干,是个有礼貌的宝宝,你的生活自理能力很强,不但会自己的事自己做,还乐意帮助别的小朋友穿脱衣服,你总是抢着为班级做事,课间和小朋友一起游戏;上课能认真听讲,积极举手发言;你念的儿歌很好听,画的画也很美,老师希望你以后继续努,以取得更大进步。Sunny is a wonderful girl. She is warm, sensitive, thoughtful, and a hard-worker. She studies hard and has made excellent progress in English. Also, she very considerate and sets a good example for the other students. She is excited to learn new things and practices them at every opportunity. I am also happy to see how much she has become more outgoing. I appreciate her helpfulness, her effort, and her warm smile. I hope next term she will continue to enjoy class as she studies more grammar and conversational skills. Good work, Sunny!
你是一个情感丰富的孩子,经常为故事里面的人物而动容。你很聪明,也很懂事。你不太爱说话,但是只要你一开口,就能说出很多有趣的事情。你爱和其他小朋友一起玩,但是你不太爱和他们交朋友,有时候和其他小朋友相处的时候容易着急。老师知道你是个有上进心的孩子,老师也相信你会努力和小朋友们成为好朋友的。加油哦!Sean is a great boy! He is making a lot of progress this year. He works hard at leaning English and using it whenever he can-- not just in class, but during playtime, mealtime, any time he can. It's very impressive. He also has the best grasp of grammar and the most advanced conversational skills. Behaviorally, he is improving as well. One of my goals for next term is to help him continue to develop socially and make strong friendships within the class, on top of continuing to progress in English. He has been doing very well and I hope he keeps up the good work!


你是个非常招人喜欢的宝宝,还记得家访的时候小宝贝躲在阿姨身后甜甜地笑,也就是从那一刻起就很喜欢这个腼腆的小乖乖,希望小乖乖在幼儿园能够快乐的生活。不过在适应幼儿园生活的这个过程中,因为你身体的不适,爷爷奶奶、妈妈、老师都付出了很多努力。不过Queenie很坚强,终于战胜了自己,喜欢幼儿园、喜欢老师了,在幼儿园里找到了很多快乐!你很棒,老师为你鼓掌! 现在,Queenie每天都很快乐,而且进步很大。上课虽然还不主动积极,但能跟着其他小朋友一起回应老师了,最喜欢和Caddie老师一起在小厨房做各种小点心;吃饭的时候,你可以自己扶着碗,吃得又快又好;户外活动的时候,老师总是能看见你活蹦乱跳的身影,听见你“咯咯咯”的快乐的笑声,这真让老师开心!在幼儿园,Qunnie已经拥有了一些好朋友,我们一起上课、游戏很开心。希望下一年,Queenie能够拥有更多的朋友,和他们一起大方地相处,大胆地表现自己,做一个更快乐、自信大方的宝宝!Queenie is a very special girl. She is often quiet, but over the last few months, she has come out of her shell and begun interacting much more in class. She has learned many words and phrases and has good pronunciation as well. I am very pleased with her progress. Behaviorally, she is always a joy during lessons. She is very playful and willing to work hard to learn new things. I hope next term we can continue to improve.
你是不是又摆着Pheobe式迷倒一大片人的Pose了呀?每天早上,老师总能看见你乐呵呵地眯着小眼,然后用可爱的声音向我们问好,每天看着如此快乐的Phoebe,老师都会跟着快乐起来了!你是个非常好学的宝宝,每天下午起床,你总是缠着老师“跳舞呀!跳舞呀!”英语课上,最积极的也是你,总是能听见你大声地说英语,老师们可喜欢聪明可爱的 Phoebe啦!记得刚入园的时候,咱们Phoebe也是好学,但是是不分“好坏”都学,还曾经模仿Andy在地上打滚呢,呵呵…不过现在咱们 Phoebe知道什么该学什么不该学了,瞧!Phoebe学会了认真上课;学会了自己乖乖地坐着吃饭、不能乱跑;还知道和小朋友一起玩的时候不能抢玩具,有话温柔地说,不能争吵……这些都是咱们Phoebe的进步哦!你对舞蹈特别感兴趣,你跳起舞来动作是那么到位,舞姿是那么优美。马上就要过新年了,Phoebe又要长大一岁了,所以以后吃饭也要做到“更进一步”,吃得更多一点,长得更健康、更漂亮!好不好呀?
Phoebe is a cheerful girl and a great student. She has made a lot of progress this term—she has been focusing in class and is working hard on improving her English and behaving well. She is particularly good at the songs and dances we have learned so far. Recently, her behavior has also been rapidly improving. She has become a model of good postire and raising her hand. This term, she has been excelling at new vocabulary and grammar structures, so next term I want to help her with clear pronunciation. Good job, Phoebe!


你是个活泼、顽皮有个性的宝宝。你还是个运动型的宝宝,精力充沛,浑身像是有使不完的劲,所以常常喜欢在教室里飞奔,老师看见生怕你会撞到磕到呢,以后还是小心的好哦!在户外活动的时候有的是机会让你奔跑呢不是吗?老师还发现你是期待与大人平等的有个性的宝宝,每次老师以教育的口吻请你坐坐正站站直时你就不是那么顺从。你的小嘴巴特别能说,口语表达能力较强,经常逗得老师们和小伙伴们哈哈大笑!你特别爱看书,图书角里经常能看到你的身影;这一学期画画进步也较大,每次画的形象较大气,颜色涂的也很漂亮,但坚持性差,总会虎头蛇尾。你上课有时能认真听讲,但有时候会去欺负其他小朋友,把小朋友的小手、小脸都抓伤啦!午睡的时候总是睁大眼睛,还喜欢大声说话影响其他小朋友,把Nicole折腾得很辛苦呢。希望下学期Parkco能和小朋友玩一些活泼又安全的游戏,安静入睡,做一个能干的宝宝,好吗?Parkco is a very special boy. He has made a lot of progress this term and I am excited with his enthusiasm about English. He constantly asks me to come play with him and teach him new words. He works hard and his memorization of vocabulary is unrivaled. His behavior has also improved a lot this term. He has become less aggressive and interacts more with other students. We still have some trouble with disobedience but he stops negative behaviors the first time I tell him to much more often. It makes me very happy to here him say, “Rebecca, Okay!” when he knows he shouldn't be misbehaving. It's a big improvement. I hope next term his English will continue to improve at the same pace and he will continue to work on social relationships with the same diligence. Good work, Parkco!!
你是个活泼、可爱的小姑娘,你待人热情,脸上总带着灿烂的笑容,你有一双小巧手,你会画出漂亮的画;制作小物件、会自己穿衣裤,你还是个小小表演家,每次音乐活动中都有你优美的表演。看到你的进步,老师为你感到骄傲!只要你继续努力,相信你一定会越来越出色!新一年到来了,希望你上课的时候更加认真,不和其他小朋友说话,能注意倾听别人的回答,自己勇敢地回答老师的问题,做个爱学习的宝宝,好吗?Nancy- Nancy is a wonderful student! She is warm, strong, tries hard, and often sets a good example in class. She has such a strong personality, she s a joy to be around. Sometimes she and he good friend can be a little strong-willed and disruptive, and I hope we can continue to work on that in the future. But often, she pulls me aside to read books and tries to learn new words not covered in lessons. Her curiosity will surely help her succeed in the future, and her warm smile makes her wonderful to have class with. I am very pleased with how far she is coming in class-- keep up the good work, Nancy!


爱哭是我对你的第一印象,虎头虎脑的你实在不应该那么爱哭,你笑咪咪的样子最讨人喜欢啦,老师总会忍不住抱抱你亲亲你;你在活动中的大胆表现令大家欣赏:听,儿歌念得多么流利,回答问题多么响亮!这就是你——可爱的小Louis。经过半年的幼儿园生活,Louis变得更加懂事、聪明了。你在做自己喜欢的事情,比如:玩玩具、看书、看动画片,听故事,听故事的时候啊,眼睛都会一眨不眨,聚精会神的;游戏时也总能见到你欢乐的身影,听到你开心的笑声。相信你在新的学期里,一定会学会香香地吃饭, 不再边吃边玩了,对吗? Louis is a joy to have in class. He is always laughing and dancing and having fun. In the last two months, he has made serious improvement in his willingness to use English outside of lesson time. He uses full sentences much more than many of the other students and understands many complex grammar structures. Next term, on top of continuing to make progress in English, I hope he can continue to make progress behaviorally-- sometime Louis has a little difficulty focusing on class. But he has been making great strides in English and I hope he continues to improve his communication all year while still having fun in class. Good work, Louis!
Lauren is a joy to have in class. She is always sunny and laughing. She likes learning and speaking Chinese this term, but much more importantly, she has made many new friends. Now she fully participates in class and has become much more willing to interact with all the students. One of the things we have been talking about is being nice to all the students- even the ones she doesn't like as much because they are a bit naughty- and she is working hard at it. I appreciate her patience and understanding with some of the younger and less obedient children. She always seems to enjoy school and has and always has a smile on her face. She is very creative, thoughtful, and a good example. Good job, Lauren!
你是最迟到英语班的宝宝啦,老师们天天都在期待你快点从新加坡回来。嘿嘿,真是个虎头虎脑,招人喜欢的小胖小伙子呢!你很快适应了新的环境,喜欢上了新的老师和小伙伴。不过刚开始上课的时候都坐不住,在椅子上扭来扭去,你现在上课会动脑筋,注意力比以前集中多了。你的画画和手工都有进步,做事也有条理了。在幼儿园就餐和午睡习惯有了很大的进步,但是你有时会发脾气,而且很倔强,这样可不好哦。希望你以后能改正,做事再细心点,让自己有更大的进步。Kingston is a great boy. He has made a lot of improvement in the last few months. His English is improving, as is his behavior. He has learned many new words, and is especially good at animals and games. His pronunciation is great and he really seems to enjoy studying English. Sometimes, he he can be a bit mischievous in class, but he has gotten much better at taking directions. I hope he will continue to work hard and enjoy class next term. Good work, Kingston!


Caddie老师写下你的名字,眼前就出现了你那张可爱的圆圆小脸。你是咱们班进步最大的一个宝宝,看着你一天比一天能干、一天比一天优秀,这真是让老师太开心了!记得Joyce刚上幼儿园的那几天,眼泪天天挂在脸颊上,把爸爸妈妈老师们都心疼坏了。但是过了不久Joyce就和班上的老师成为了好朋友,和玩具宝宝也成为了好朋友。现在的Joyce呀,可让老师骄傲啦!有Joyce在课堂上,咱们的课堂气氛都越来越好了呢,Joyce会用甜甜的声音跟着老师一起说英语,还会用简单的单词回应了呢;Joyce现在还会自己做很多事情呢,穿脱鞋子、上厕所自己脱裤子、收玩具、连睡觉都会自己脱衣服,比很多哥哥姐姐都能干……幼儿园所有的老师都喜欢到咱们班来瞧瞧,因为我们班有个聪明可爱的“开心果”呀!游戏活动中你和小朋友一起快乐的笑声、俏皮声,声声入耳。老师相信在新的一年里你会带给大家更多的快乐!Joyce is an absolute joy! She is always enthusiastic, smiling, and working hard. She is always happy to work hard and learns new things easily. She is especially good at animals and shapes. Also, one of the biggest advantages of studying a foreign language as a child is that they can absorb rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation more naturally, and Joyce has made impressive progress in all those areas. For Joyce, I hope that next term she will continue to have fun in class and keep making good strides in English!
你是个有礼貌的宝宝,在幼儿园里你能主动地与老师打招呼,看见小朋友吵闹时,你能第一个告诉老师或主动去劝阻,真象个懂事的大姐姐;你总是安安静静地跟老师学本领;友好地与小朋友一起玩;认真、细致地完成好各种事情;看着你能自己吃饭、画画、做手工……老师知道你进步了,你会自己的事情学着做,不仅会自己脱衣裤还学会自己折衣裤,有时还会积极地帮助小朋友脱衣服,真能干!看着你能与小朋友友好地相处,看着你认真地做着事情,老师心里非常地开心,我们的Holam长大了!但老师希望你学本领时再专心一些,举起你的小手大胆地表达自己的想法,相信你会取得更大的进步! Holam is a joy to have in class. Her improvement in English this term is perhaps the most impressive in the class-- she knows not only most of the things from lessons, but the words and expressions we have worked on during play time as well. She works very hard and seems to really enjoy learning English, and is always well-behaved, too. My main goal for Holam next term is that she will continue to make progress at the same rate, as up till now, Holam has been a model student. Excellent work, Holam!!!


Henry is a model student and I love having him in class. He works hard, he is a fast learner, and he is very thoughtful. He learns all the new words and grammar points, and practices English with enthusiasm, in class and in free time. He demonstrates good curiosity and often asks me to teach him extra words and then works puts a lot of effort into memorizing them. He interacts well with the other students, has made good friends, and never has any disciplinary problems. He is a joy to have in class. Great work, Henry!
祝你在新的一年里身体健康,快乐无比!Frank is a joyful student! I love his laughter and sense of fun. He is always smiling and laughing and enthusiastic. He has learned many new words this year, and has very good pronunciation. And he is very willing to try new things. Also, he has improved behaviorally a lot. He is far less aggressive than at the beginning of the year, and seems to really enjoy class. He practices new words and grammar structures cheerfully. I hope next term Frank can continue to learn English and work on playing nicely with others. Good job, Frank!

宝贝,你的那双圆碌碌,充满好奇的小眼睛,还深深印在老师的脑海里,老师也还记得开学第一天你穿着条纹小衬衫文质彬彬的小绅士模样呢!你虽然因生病请假少了很多和老师、小朋友们一起参加游戏活动的机会,但你的进步还是很大的,特别是画画和唱儿歌方面提高很快。你上课基本上能够和小朋友一样坐在位置上听课,能和小朋友一起用英文数数字,能听明白简单的英语指令:喝水(Drink some water!)、排队(Line up!)、回座位(Go back to your seat)……这些进步都是小宝宝通过自己的努力取得的,老师真是看在眼里,喜在心头。最能干的是,小宝宝有什么事总能主动的向老师提出来,你真棒!祝你在新的一年里身体健康,天天来上幼儿园!Dubai is a great student and so much fun to have in class. He works hard and has such a warm, sunny attitude. His English was showing steady improvement throughout the term. He was also growing behaviorally as well-- by late fall, he was making more friends and rarely ha ing disagreements with his peers. I have missed having him around, and I hope he will come back soon.


你是个聪明、活泼的小男孩,很大方,特别愿意和老师、小朋友说话,在和你的谈话中,让老师感受到了你的聪慧,你知道很多东西,让同伴们很是佩服!和你相处的日子里,你带给了我们很多的欢乐。上课时你爱动脑筋,积极发言,回答问题声音也响亮。小老师、小组长工作认真负责,老师很高兴有你这样的小帮手。Chris is a great student. He is always eager to learn, setting a good example in class while learning a lot. I am especially impressed at his ability to apply new language-- he is one of the best at using new words he has learned correctly and making new sentences, And he is warm, caring, and a good leader as well. Next term, we will work hard on learning more grammar and not being distracted by his friends. I am very pleased with Chris and his continual smile and hard work in class-- good job, Chris!
走路都不稳的小不点儿,你眯着眼睛傻傻地笑的样子着实可爱,我们大家都喜欢你!开学初你的“小恶魔” 形象还深深印在老师们的脑海中呢!每天一回到幼儿园,哭得眼泪鼻涕一大把,好不容易停下来了,小拳头就不听使唤落在旁边的小伙伴身上,被老师一批评,二话不说直接赖地上不起来啦;还有,图书馆的好几本绘本都在哭诉你又把他们的封面给撕了呢~~不过,小家伙后来进步可真大呀,早上笑嘻嘻上幼儿园,还能在老师提醒下,大声跟老师们打招呼啦;吃饭也干净多了,不用老师喂,自己就能交个“白白碗”啦;课堂上还总能看到你高高举起的小手,上新课的时候,还能从你嘴里蹦出其他宝宝都不知道的新单词,课后经常会问许多“为什么”,对周围事物充满了好奇。可能是因为年龄原因,你的自控能力还不够强,相信你随着年龄的增长,你的进步会越来越棒的,我们共同努力吧!Andy is a great boy. He has come very far this year. He has learned many words, and can tell me many colors, foods, animals, shapes, and even transport vehicles from memory. Most impressively, as one of the youngest students in the class, his pronunciation and speech patterns are perhaps the most natural f all the students. When he is learning new grammar structures, it takes him no time at all to pronounce them with native rhythm and intonation. Behaviorally, he is also growing. I am pleased he become less aggressive this term. I hope next term he will learn more phrases and work on respecting the other students and the instruction of the teachers more. Good work, Andy!
知道吗?老师还记得开学自我介绍的时候你说过最喜欢的颜色是红色,最喜欢的东西是火箭呢!Alex对火箭的痴迷程度令老师们惊叹。小宝贝喜欢自由的玩玩具,在放松的状态下你能充分发挥你的想象力和创造力,建构出好多种火箭造型并向老师介绍火箭会怎样发射。瞧那副认真的模样,俨然是个“火箭研究小专家”。 你还愿意将作品和想法呈现给老师看,而当老师给予肯定和表扬时,你的脸笑得像一朵花,看来你很享受被表扬的感觉哦!


Alex对一切事物都感到稀奇,也是个爱问“为什么”的宝宝。你有一双非常漂亮的大眼睛,在你开动脑筋时它总是那么明亮。经过一个学期的生活,你已经能愉快地与小朋友一起游戏、学本领了。你在幼儿园中待人有礼貌,积极参加各类学习探索活动,特别是在音乐活动中,总能听见你响亮的歌声,表演后总不忘说一声谢谢大家!最让老师惊喜的是你丰富的想象力,你的小脑袋就是个百宝袋,里面装满了各种奇思妙想!你知道吗,老师和小朋友都很喜欢你,因为你有那么多的本领。新一年即将到来,相信我们的Alex会更大胆、活泼!Alex is a wonderful child. He has made a lot of progress this term. He learns new words very quickly and has participates in class more in class. He speaks up more in class and interacts with other students more than at the beginning of the term. I am very impressed with how quickly he absorbs new material-- in class, after being introduced to new words and phrases, Alex is often the first student to show me he has fully earned the new material and apply it in class. He also displays a great deal of curiosity, constantly asking questions about English and taking care to learn the answers. Next term I hope Alex will continue in the same direction he has so far and learn more conversational skills.