
要求:1 通过情景游戏“Shopping ”、“School”复习一些学习用品单词:pencil、ruler、rubber、sharpener等;

2 听懂并理解老师的一些简单英语指令,乐于模仿;

3 通过情景模拟激发幼儿上小学的愿望;


2 情景设置:文具超市、小学


一 Warm Up:

* Dialogue:Hi,how are you today?(Fine,Happy)

How many days are there in a week?

What day is today?

二 情景游戏“Shopping”

1 复习单个单词

*(出示书包)Oh,nothing!What shall I prepare?(pencil……)

*Look,there is a stationary super-market!Who wants to be the shopman?(师与幼儿示范,提示幼儿递东西时要说出单词)

*OK,now let`s play。(请二名幼儿做shopman)

2 在单词前加修饰词,师辅助提示“What shape is it?”,“What color is it?”

What did you buy?


二 情景游戏“School”

1 Song:“Go to school”

Let’s go to school, OK? (引发幼儿进入游戏情景)


(1) Listening game:

 Please put your bag on the chair。

 Please open/close your pencil-box 。

 Please take out/put in your pencil-box。/pencil、rubber、ruler、sharpener

 Who wants to be the little teacher?


What do you like?Why?

(3)Class is over。Stand up ,good-bye everyone!

三 结束:Song:“Butterfly”飞回教室