牛津小学英语4B Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi.教学设计

时间:2017-03-23 小学教师 我要投稿
一.教学内容:牛津小学英语4B Unit 6 A 部分



2.能正确地听、说、读单词a theatre, a taxi.

3.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语How do we go there?

Shall we go to the theatre by bus? Excuse me, is this bus for the theatre?

4.会唱歌曲《The wheels on the bus》



2.能正确朗读单词theatre, taxi。

3. .会唱歌曲《The wheels on the bus》



五.教学准备: PPT课件


Step 1:Revision

1. Sing a song::” The wheels on the bus”.

2. Free talk: Let’s go to the supermarket.


But how?

By bus/ bike/car/taxi.

Let’s go by taxi.

板书:Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi.

taxi 出租车

Step 2: Presentation


1. T: Who’s this man?

S: He’s Lei Feng..

T: Yes, he’s Uncle Lei Feng.

2. T: Where’s he?

S: He’s on the train..

T: Yes, he’s doing a good deed. He’s a good man.

3.. PPT出示学雷锋图片

Chinaman Mao said: “ We should learn from Lei Feng. And March 5th is Lei Feng’s Day.

Look, they’re doing good deeds. David wants to learn from LeiFeng,too.


4.What’s missing?

5. Some people say that the job is busy, no time to study. I think the problem is not in the busy work, but if you would like to study to find time. To study, the time won’t be the problem. The problem is that if we are good at crowding, willing to drill.





6. t: Now, I’m David.(师生对话)

Step 3: Look and say:

1.Ask and answer:

3. Guessing game: 出示美国图片

T: How do we go there?

S: By plane..

T: Shall we go there by plane?

.S: OK..

4. Teach: How do we go there?


Shall we go there by…?


OK./All right.


5.Chant: Station, station, Let’s go to the station.

How, how, how do we go there?

Bus, bus, let’s go by bus.

Theatre, theatre, let’s go to the theatre.

How, how, how do we go there?

Taxi, taxi, let’s go by taxi.

Step 4:Works in pairs:

1.David has done many good deeds. So his father will travel to many places with him as a award.


Where do you want to go ?

A: Let’s go to …

B:Good .How do we go there?

A:Shall we go to …by ….?

B: All right .

2.Task two: Make a similar dialogue.

3. Teach: Is this…for…? 这个……是去……的吗?

Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

No, it isn’t不,它不是。

Step 5: Read and say:

David and Nancy want to go to the theatre.

1.Watch and answer:

1、Where do they want to go?


2、How do they go there?


The students try to answer the questions:

1、The theatre

2、They go there by taxi.

2. Now, let’s read the text.

? 朗读指导:同学们,当我们在读课文时,一定要注意句子的语调喔.



3.Task 3:Try to act the dialogue out.

Step 6:Summary (总结):



Shall we … ?

Let’s … .

1. 我们去剧院好吗?

Shall we go to the theatre?

2. 我们一起去剧院吧!

Let’s go to the theatre.


But how?

How do we go there?

1. 让我们去医院吧 。 Let’s go to the hospital.

怎么去? But how?

乘公共汽车去。 By bus.

2. 我们怎么去医院?

How do we go to the hospital?


Let’s go by car.

5. Task 4 : Do the exercise.


A: Let’s go to the KFC.

B: OK. But ________ do we go __________.

A: Shall _________ go to the KFC ____________ taxi?

B: Good.


It is nine o’clock in the morning. Kate and Helen are in the park. There is(有) a new supermarket near(在…附近) the park. They will (将要)go and have a look. They can go on foot. Kate would like to buy a new dress for her mother. Her mother’s birthday is coming soon. Helen would like some bread. She is very hungry.

( ) 1. Kate and Helen are _______.

A. at home B. at school C. in the park

( )2. There is a new _______ near the park.

A. house B. school C. supermarket

( )3. They will go there _______.

A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus

Step 7: Homework

1.write the sentences of Part A in the copybook

⒉ make a plan for the weekend(制定一个周末计划)


A: Hello xxx. How are you today?

B: Fine, thank you.

A: It’s a fine day. Let’s go to ….

B: OK. But how do we go there?

A: Shall we go to… by …?

B: All right.

Step 8:板书设计

Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi

A: Let’s go to … Is this…for…?

B: Good .How do we go there? Yes, it is.

A: Shall we go to …by ….? No, it isn’t.

B: All right .

学反思:一. 英语课堂应注重体现由浅入深、循序渐进的层次性教学过程,要通过层层深入的学习掌握知识点。因此在教学句型Shall we go to……by……?时,利用旧知识Let’s go to……by……引出新内容,采用看、猜、说等多种手段,是本节课的主要线索。
二. 在教学中千方百计为学生营造一个宽松愉悦民主和谐的英语氛围,适时采用Chant巩固新单词,并用TPR教学法使学生全身心地投入到学习活动中,降低了对话教学难度,使学生轻松的掌握了对话
三. 在教学中,对学生多进行鼓励、表扬,让各个学习层次的学生都得到进步,使他们能够展现自己,激发他们的学习热情。
